
Supporting Ultrium features48
HP restricted
Data cartridge with unreadable CM
If the Cartridge Memory cannot be read, the drive assumes that the cartridge is not supported. If the
cartridge is loaded into the drive, it will be placed at the ready-to-eject point with the Cartridge
Present, Write Protect, Ready Eject, Ready Load, Media Error, and TapeAlert bits set to 1, Cartridge
Type = ‘Unknown’, and Tape Activity = ‘Idle’. TapeAlert flag 0Fh will be set.
Cartridge fails to seat or load
If a cartridge fails to seat or load, it will be placed at the ready-to-eject position with the Cartridge
Present, Ready Eject, Ready Load, Media Error, and TapeAlert bits set to 1, Tape Activity = ‘Idle’.
TapeAlert flag 04h will be set. If the cartridge type is recognized, this will be indicated in the
Cartridge Type field, otherwise the field will indicate Cartridge Type = ‘Unknown’.
Cartridge cannot be loaded
HP recommends that GOOD status is not returned to the host for the MOVE MEDIUM command until
the library controller has seen the Cartridge Load bit in the Get Drive Status RDATA set to 1. If the
library controller does not see this bit set, HP recommends invoking an appropriate load re-try
algorithm. After re-trying the load, if this bit is still not set to 1, assume that there is a problem with
the cartridge. HP recommends that the library controller responds to the
CHECK CONDITION, a sense key of Not Ready and additional sense of 5300 (media load or
eject failure), and then moves the cartridge back to the source element. If the Drive Error bit is set to
1 in the Get Drive Status RDATA, appropriate actions should be taken.
Valid firmware upgrade cartridge
If a firmware upgrade cartridge with a valid firmware image is loaded, and neither the library
controller nor the host knows that the cartridge is a firmware upgrade cartridge, what occurs
depends on the Upgrade Protect bit in the Set Drive Configuration command.
Upgrade Protect = 1 If the Upgrade Protect bit in the Set Drive Configuration command is set to 1,
it is assumed that the Upgrade bit in the Load command will be zero and no
firmware upgrade will be performed. The cartridge will be placed at the
ready-to-eject position with the Cartridge Present, Write Protect, Ready Eject,
Ready Load, Media Error, and TapeAlert bits set to 1, Cartridge Type =
‘Firmware Upgrade’, and Tape Activity = ‘Idle’. TapeAlert flag 10h will be set.
Upgrade Protect = 0 If the Upgrade Protect bit in the Set Drive Configuration command is 0, a
firmware upgrade will be performed on the drive. While the drive is
preparing to upgrade the firmware, it will report Tape Activity = “Code
Update in Progress”. When actually upgrading the firmware the drive will not
respond to ACI commands. After the firmware upgrade has completed the
drive will reset and send out an ENQ byte over ACI.
It is recommended that the library controller follows the normal power-up ACI
command sequence after receiving the ENQ byte to ensure that the drive is
configured correctly and to verify the firmware version and ACI version.