HP restricted
offline The drive is offline if the tape is currently unloaded or not in the drive. The host has
limited access, and cannot perform any commands that would cause tape motion. The
host can, however, load a tape, if one is inserted, and can execute any diagnostic tests
that do not require tape motion.
online The drive is online when a tape is loaded. The host has access to all command
operations, including those that access the tape, set configurations and run diagnostic
RWW see ”read-while-write”
read-while-write RWW improves data integrity by reading data immediately after it is written and
writing the data again if an error is found.
TapeAlert A set of 64 flags is held in the TapeAlert log that indicate faults or predicted faults with
the drive or the media. By reading this log, host software can inform the user of
existing or impending conditions, and can, for example, advise the user to change the
WORM Write Once, Read Many