v Generate a resource adapter deployment descriptor
You can view and edit this deployment descriptor using the Resource Adapter
Deployment Descriptor Editor.
Resource Adapter Deployment Descriptor Editor overview
This multi-page editor allows you to display, configure, and validate the resource
adapter deployment descriptor generated by the wizard.
The Resource Adapter Deployment Descriptor is an Eclipse plug-in intended for
use with WebSphere Integration Developer. The editor allows you to do the
v Display and configure the resource adapter deployment descriptor without
having to modify the XML file directly
v Automatically generate Java bean properties in the generated source code that
correspond to the configuration properties you add using the editor
v Validate the deployment descriptor against the against the JCA 1.5 deployment
descriptor schema.
Adapter Foundation Classes overview
The Adapter Foundation Classes installed with theWebSphere Adapter Toolkit
provide the foundation services for a custom JCA resource adapter that can run on
multiple server runtimes, including WebSphere Process Server.
The New Connector Project wizard uses the Adapter Foundation Classes to
generate an implementation of classes for your custom adapter. The Adapter
Foundation Classes conform to, and extend, the Java 2 Connector Architecture JCA
1.5 specification. The foundation classes include generic contracts and methods to
develop a working resource adapter. The New Connector Project wizard collects
information from you to create enterprise information system-specific extensions to
the foundation classes.
This document contains implementation guidelines for the Adapter Foundation
Classes. The Javadoc for the Adapter Foundation Classes, as well as the Javadoc
for the Data exchange service provider interface (DESPI) and the Javadoc for
Enterprise Metadata Discovery, are included as part of the WebSphere Adapter
Toolkit installation. For more information, see “IBM WebSphere Adapter Toolkit
tasks” on page 11.
Figure 5. Resource Adapter Deployment Descriptor
10 WebSphere Adapters: WebSphere Adapter Toolkit User Guide