WebSphere Adapter Toolkit
Adapter Toolkit provides the development tools, libraries
and sample code to assist you in creating JCA resource adapters.
With the toolkit you may create either of the following:
v A resource adapter based on the interfaces defined by the JCA Resource
Adapter 1.5 specification. Choose this path if your goal is developing a resource
adapter that can run either unmanaged or managed within any JCA 1.5
compliant container.
v A resource adapter that extends the WebSphere Adapter Foundation Classes
library. Choose this path if your goal is to create a resource adapter
implementation that can run in a managed server runtime environment like
WebSphere Process Server and that exhibits the common functionality and
extended qualities of service offered specifically by WebSphere Adapters.
WebSphere Adapters are based on the JCA 1.5 specification. These adapters are
supported on multiple runtime environments and brokers.
Implementing a WebSphere adapter allows you to take advantage of the quality of
services offered in the WebSphere Adapter foundation classes (AFC) and the
flexibility of being able to run the adapter on runtime environments other than
WebSphere Process Server.
In either case, the toolkit provides a project creation wizard that generates the code
that you then implement. In addition, the toolkit provides a specialized editor that
facilitates the task of creating and configuring a resource adapter deployment
This document focuses primarily on development of resource adapters and
artifacts that extend the WebSphere Adapter Foundation Class library.
The following figure illustrates the process of developing a JCA resource adapter
using the WebSphere Adapter Toolkit.
Using the WebSphere Adapter Toolkit
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