You can now view or modify the raw ra.xml file using the default editor provided
by WebSphere Integration Developer. When you use this editor to save this file, the
file is automatically validated against the Resource Adapter XML Schema
Definition (or .xsd) file. Any errors are displayed in the Problems pane.
Important: When using the Resource Adapter Deployment Descriptor editor
provided by the WebSphere Adapter Toolkit, you can open valid deployment
descriptors only. If you attempt to open a deployment descriptor that is not valid
(as defined by the schema), the XML Source Page Editor displays the file so that
you can fix the problem before attempting to open it in the Resource Adapter
Deployment Descriptor editor.
Implementing code from the IBM WebSphere Adapter Toolkit
Foundation Classes implementation overview
To develop a WebSphere resource adapter, you identify the JCA classes for your
project, generate subclasses of all the corresponding Foundation Classes, and then
modify or override methods as described in the individual class subsections.
Subclasses that override methods in the Foundation Classes should invoke the
super method so that generic logic is still invoked (unless explicitly indicated
The steps shown below provide an overview of how to build an adapter from the
Foundation Classes. Note that these steps focus on the major classes to extend. In
some cases, you must provide yet another JCA interface implementation to extend
a class; when this occurs, locate the appropriate Adapter Foundation class and
extend it for your purposes. Typically this requires minor changes only.
1. Decide which configuration properties you need for the resource adapter to
support the enterprise information system (EIS):
a. Identify configuration properties for connecting to the EIS instance for
outbound processing (for example, hostname, port).
68 WebSphere Adapters: WebSphere Adapter Toolkit User Guide