
Outbound Operation Signatures Notes
These operations can handle delta or
after-image business objects. The assumption
is that the adapter can consume either type
of object or, if not, can convert after-image
and delta as required by the business object
For applyChanges, the adapter determines
the operation (create, update, or delete)
based on the top-level verb or the change
applyChanges allows users to easily pass any
create, update, or delete business objects.
The create, applyUpdate and delete
operations are specific to one operation.
Note that applyChanges, for after-images,
should invoke the appropriate <x>
Exceptions: If the adapter cannot support
delta for a given business object type
(because it lacks retrieve capability to
convert), a signature of
applyAfterImage<BOType> may be
retrieve<BOType> Retrieve one object based on key values.
retrieveAll<BOType> Retrieve multiple objects that match some
user-defined predicate; this is a query option
intended to replace RetrieveByContent.
RetrieveAll should always return a
top-level container with 0..n matching child
business objects. It should never return a
single top-level matching business object as
with the Retrieve operation.
Standard processing logic:
Each adapter should enable operations that are supported by the EIS.
General guidelines for operations with adapters include the following
v All operations should be atomic: if an operation fails for any reason, the adapter
should roll back any partial changes made to the EIS as part of the request.
v For all operations, adapters should never modify the input business object
passed by the client (per JCA standards). Instead, if the operation requires the
same object passed as input to be returned as output, use WebSphere Business
Integration utilities to create, modify, and return a deep copy of the input object.
v If child objects are included in the input business object, the order of child
objects should be maintained in the output business object. Doing so enables
relationship management service support.
v If an after-image is passed to the adapter as input, an after-image should be
returned as output. The same applies for deltas.
WebSphere Adapter development overview 73