When using FFDCSupport aspect you can control the data gathered. Two template
methods getSourceId and getProbeId are provided to you for this purpose. For
example, you may want to limit the length of the source ID strings. In Figure 7,
aspect Example_7 illustrates how to override the getSourceId method and return a
short name.
You can use FFDC to control how your classes are introspected by implementing
the introspectSelf method. Class Person in Figure 8 illustrates how you can hide
a sensitive field (in this example a password is hidden).
import com.ibm.websphere.ffdc.FFDCSupport;
public aspect Example_6 extends FFDCSupport {
protected pointcut ffdcScope () : within(com.foo.*);
public pointcut ffdcCall () : call(* com.ibm.websphere.ffdc..*(..));
declare warning : ffdcCall() && ffdcScope() :
"Don't call FFDC directly. Use FFDCSupport aspect.";
public pointcut dumpException () : call(void Throwable.printStackTrace(..));
declare warning : dumpException() && ffdcScope() :
"Don't dump exceptions to console. Use FFDCSupport aspect.";
Figure 12. Warn user about calling FFDC directly or dumping stack traces
import com.ibm.websphere.ffdc.FFDCSupport;
import org.aspectj.lang.JoinPoint;
public aspect Example_7 extends FFDCSupport {
protected pointcut ffdcScope () :
protected String getSourceId (JoinPoint.StaticPart ejp) {
String name = ejp.getSignature().getName();
return name;
Figure 13. Override default source ID generation to create short name
private class Person {
private String userid = "USER";
private String password = "PASSW0RD";
public String[] introspectSelf () {
String[] self = { "userid=" + userid, "password=XXXXXXXX" };
return self;
Hide password field of Person class from introspection.
Figure 14. How to hide a sensitive field in this case a password
192 WebSphere Adapters: WebSphere Adapter Toolkit User Guide