Method Description
ArrayList getEvents(int quantity, int
eventStatus, String[] typeFilter)
This method enables the adapter to
determine if there are any new events
available or old events that need re-sending.
Implement this method to query the event
store and return a list of event instances (up
to the limit specified by thequantity
parameter ) that have a status matching the
value of parameter eventStatus. The order
of events returned in ArrayList should
reflect the sequence of events as intended for
If this EventStore implementation supports
filtering as specified by method
implementsFiltering, this method should
inspect the value of parameter typeFilter.If
typeFilter is not null, the method should
return events that match the type(s)
specified only. If typeFilter is null (or
filtering is not supported), the method
should simply return events of all types.
boolean implementsFiltering() This method provides the Foundation
Classes with information on the capability of
the EventStore implementation. If it can
filter events by type in method getEvents,
the implementation should return true;
otherwise it should return false .
Event getSpecificEvent(String eventId) This method should reconstruct a complete
event object for the event identifier. This will
most likely require that the EventStore
implementation query to retrieve the
missing information from the event record in
the EIS (for example, object type, status, and
so on).
Object getObjectForEvent(Event event) The EventStore implementation should
inspect the event passed and return a
business object instance reflecting the
changed entity in the EIS application. For
example, if the event specifies an object type
of CustomerBG and a key value of
CustomerID=123, this method might be
expected to return a CustomerBG instance
populated with the values from customer
123 in the EIS.
void deleteEvent(Event event) The EventStore implementation should
delete the event record identified from the
underlying EIS event store.
void updateEventStatus(Event event, int
The EventStore implementation should
modify the event record identified with the
provided status code.
Transaction Support Methods
If the implementation of the event store supports transactions, the EventStore
implementation should provide access to that transaction control using the
following methods:
WebSphere Adapter development overview 87