a. In the viewing pane of the Assembly diagram, right click and select Add →
Java to add a Java component to the diagram
2. Add a wire from the inbound interface to the new Java component. A window
displays to inform you that your actions will allow the service to be used in
other modules. Click OK.
3. Right click on the Java component and select Generate → Implementation. and
click OK on the Generate Implementation window.
4. Add a system.out.println to the emitCreateAfterImageCustomer
emitCreateAfterImageCustomer()/emitCustomer() method
public void emitCreateAfterImageCustomer(
DataObject emitCreateAfterImageCustomerInput) {
System.out.println("Got the event!");
//TODO Needs to be implemented.
5. Save the module.
Now you are ready to test the module.
Test the sample
Use the administrative console and test client to test your sample.
Before you test the sample module make sure you have completed all of the
previous tasks for creating and modifying the sample module.
1. Start WebSphere Process Server
2. Add the module project to the server
3. Verify the adapter is running (and polling if you selected the inbound service).
Check the console, log and trace file for more information.
WebSphere Adapter development overview 25