2-84 Service Manual
Operator panel service check
Printer emits 5 beeps when it detects a problem with operator panel
assembly, operator panel cable, controller RIP board or when a POR
does not complete. If operator panel operates properly, except for a
PEL or a few PELs missing or broken, run “LCD test” in diagnostic
mode. See “LCD test” on page 3-9 for details. If operator panel
fails any diagnostic test, replace operator panel.
Step Questions / actions Yes No
1 Ensure operator panel
cable is plugged into
operator panel and other
end of cable is plugged into
P2CN on engine controller
board. Is cable plugged in?
Go to step 2. Connect cable.
2 Ensure RIP board is
correctly plugged in. Is
cable plugged in?
Go to step 3. Connect cable.
3 Is operator panel display
blank, did 5 beeps emit
when printer was turned
ON and is LED off?
operator panel
assembly. If
persists, go to
step 4.
Go to step 6.
4 Replace operator panel
cable. Does problem go
Problem solved. Go to step 5.
5 Replace engine controller
board. See “Engine
controller board removal”
on page 4-55. Does
problem go away?
Problem solved. Go to step 6.
6 Does operator panel show
all diamonds and were
there no beeps when
printer was powered on?
Check RIP
board for proper
installation. If
installed, replace
RIP board. See
“RIP board
removal” on
page 4-45.
operator panel.