
Searching and Storing
Trunked Search and Store
You ca n st ore t alk g roup I D’s in to th e syst em you sele ct ed in “Sele ct in g a System”.
Otherwise, the scanner stores talk group ID’s in a new gr oup it creates.
Note: Trun ked system sea rch and store do es not work if a n E DACS S CAT syste m
is selected, a system wit h no frequ en cy is sele ct ed, the qu ick ke y to which t he
system belo ngs is turned off, an d th e gr oup yo u selecte d to store fou nd ta lk gr ou p
ID’s contain s mor e talk gro up ID’s th an the maximum set in Ma x Auto Stor e.
To st ore a t runked syste m, f ollow the beginnin g st ep s in S electing A S yst em
above. When you select a Tr unked System and press F , the scanner enters
T GID Sea rch a nd Stor e mo de.
Wh en you sele ct a t run ked syst em, t he scanne r looks f or act ive talk group I D’s
within that range and ID SEARCH AND STORE appears and scrol ls across the
d isp lay’ s lower line wh ile the syst em /site na me appea rs on the d ispl ay’s uppe r line .
Wh en th e scanne r finds an active talk group I D, it ch ecks if t he talk group I D has
a lr e ady been sto r ed i n the site . I f it has, the sca nner co ntinu es to search. If the t alk
group ID has not been stored, it stores the tal k group ID into a gr oup nam ed
Found Channels, then resu me s sea rch ing . The scan ne r cre at es t his group if it
does not alr eady exi st.