
Understanding Scanning and the BCT15
by the police, 02 by the ambulance service, 03 by the fire department, and so on.
Each agency i s then subdivi ded up to 16 times to provide fleet identification, and
then 8 more t imes to iden tify subf le ets.
F or example, the com plete AFS for the Pol ice Depar tm ent West D is tri ct’s dispatch
channel might be 01-062. 01 identifies the agency as the poli ce department, 06
identifies the fleet as the West district, and 2 identifies the subfl eet as the di spatch
channe l. While t he se assig nmen ts are somewha t arbit ra ry and vary f rom syst em
to syst em, there are ma ny reso urces on th e web f or finding t he assign me nts for
most systems. B ecause o f t he lo gica l h ierarchy of t he AFS syst em, yo ur BCT1 5
lets y ou ass ign wildc ard ID’s that let you, for example, u s e only one ID memory to
identify all units in either an agency or a fleet.
EDACS SCAT — (S ingle Channel Auto nomo us Trunking) systems o pe ra t e o n a
single channel and al ternate contr ol data with analog voice traffic. While your
BCT15 cannot track ID’s in t his system, it can eliminate t he co ntrol d at a so that all
you hear is the vo ice t ra nsmissio ns wh en you mo nito r this type of syst em.
LTR Trunking
LTR (L ogic Trunked Radio ) syst ems are trun kin g syst ems used primarily by
business or privat e commun ica tions service providers, su ch as ta xica bs, delive ry
tru cks, a nd repair service s. These systems e nco de all con trol in form atio n as digit al
sub audible data that accompanies each transm ission, so there is no separate
contro l channel. Use rs on an LTR system are a ssig ne d t o sp ecific t alk grou ps,
which are identified by the radio as six digit numbers.
These num bers are in the form AHHU UU, w here:
A = Area co de (0 or 1)
H = Hom e r epeater ( 01 through 20)
U = U ser ID (000 through 254)
When the s canner r ecei ves a transmis si on on a channel s et to the LTR m ode, it
first decodes the LTR da ta in clud e d with the transm issio n. In the ID se arch mod e,
the scanner stops on the transmission and displays the talk group ID on the
d isp lay. In th e ID sca n mo de , t he scanne r only st op s o n the tra nsmissio n if t he LTR
d ata m a tche s a talk gr oup ID that you h av e sto r ed i n the tal k gr ou p ID l ist and have
not locke d out. LTR systems are f re qu ently programmed so th at each radio h as a
uni que user ID.