
State-by-State Preprogrammed Channels — let yo u e asily keep up wit h activit y
on local police, D epartment of Transportation, and Hi ghway Patr ol frequencies
w hen you travel, without having to program any channel s.
Close Call™ RF Capture Technology — instantly detects and tunes to nearby
transm i ssi ons wi th no additional programming.
Close Call Do Not Disturb — che cks for Close Ca ll activit y in betwe en channel
reception so active channels are not interrupted
Close Call Temporary Store — tem poraril y stores and scans the l ast 10 Close
Call hits so tha t you can continue to mo nitor activity on the se fre q ue ncie s, eve n
after you are out of Close Call detection range.
100 System Quick Keys with 10 Channel Group Quick Keys per system
makes it easy t o list en to or q uickly lock o ut t ho se syst ems or gro ups you do not
want to s can.
Lockout Options — with severa l different and easy lo ckou t o ptions, yo u can
q uickly make your choices t o lockout o r unlo ck services.
Temporary Lockout — provi des you w ith a fast m eans to autom ati cal ly unl ock
temporarily locked o ut channels/ syst ems when you cycle p ower.
Receives 25-512, 764-805, 806-956, and 1240-1300 MHz — (exclu din g ce llula r
frequencies ) the scanner rec eiv es the m ost popul ar and useful ranges.
DIN-E and ISO Vehicle Mountable — using a opti onal DIN-E sleeve (Part
N umber DIN-0001 not provi ded) or a standard ISO technique, the scanner can be
easily mounted i n most vehicles.
Broadcast Screen — using this option you can ignore Clos e Ca ll or S ea rc h hits in
Pa ge r, FM, UHF TV, VHF TV, NOAA We ath er, or custom se t ba nd s.
Data Skip — helps you to be more free from unwanted data transmissions and
reduces ‘bird ies.’
Duplicate Input Alert — warns you if you attempt to in pu t dup licate d ata fo r a
name, frequency, or other item .
Fire Tone-Out — alerts you i f a tw o-tone sequential page i s transmi tted.
Frequency Auto Store — l ets you autom atic a l ly stor e a n ew l y foun d fr e quency
during a search.
3-Level Display and Keypad Backlight — makes it ea sy to use th e sca nner at