
Programming Your Scanner
[MENU] Program System F
Select an existin g MOT Type I, I I , EDA CS , S CAT, o r LTR system F
Edit Site F
Scroll to a n exi sti ng site or crea te a new one F
Set State F
Rotate the Scroll Control to the same sta te as the site’s state .
[MENU] Program System F
Sele ct a t run ked syst em F
Edit Site F
Select a site F
Delete Site F
Confirm Delete? Yes=”E” / No=”.”
Important: Deleted sites cannot be restored. You must re-enter them.
[MENU] Program System F
Select a system F
Edit Group F
New Group F
The scanner creates a group w ith a default name of Group n. n i ncrements by
one f or ea ch n ew g roup you crea t e wit hin a syste m.
[MENU] Program System F
Select a syst em F
Edit Group F
Sel ect a Gro up F
Edit Name F
Fol low these steps to enter/edit the group name.
1. The current name displays with the fi rst character of the name highl ighted.
Trunked Systems (Sites) MESL
Deleting Sites ME
Programming Channel Groups MECL
Setting Up a Channel Group MECL
Editing a Channel Group Name MECL