
T ur n to u se Al phabe t S k ip i n GPS mode .
Pres s to cancel FUNCT IO N mode and return t o NORMAL mode.
4. Function Plus
S everal specific a ct ions can be acco mplished b y pressin g F then pressing
another key or pressing F then pressing and hol di ng another key.
F + [MENU]
Use this co mb in ation, in Sca n or Scan Hold m od e, to switch to the ed it m en u
for t he current syste m, curren t search range, o r curre nt lo catio n dat a.
Use this co mb in ation to switch to the BearTracker menu , if in the BearTracker
Use this co mb in ation in any other mode to go to the menu for tha t mod e.
F + [L/O]
Use t his co mbin at io n, t o t empora rily lockout a curre nt system, curre nt site, or
cur rent s earch r ange in Sc an or Scan Hold mode. The temporary lockout is
clear ed w hen you tur n pow er off then on.
Use t his co mbin at io n then pre ss [L/O] twice rapi dly to permanently lockout a
system o r search ra ng e. The perman en t lockout rema ins in ef fect un til you
p urpo sely unlock t hat system or search rang e.
Use this combinat io n to swit ch to Revie w Se arch Lockout from Se arch, Sea rch
Hold, Clos e Call O nly, and Close Call Hold mod es.
Use this combination except press and hold [L/O] t o unlock a ll systems, sites,
se arch ranges and Close Call Hits syst ems and enable all th e S yst em Qu ick
K eys f or S can a nd Scan Hold modes. The sa me op erat io n unlo cks all
Locations of all types in the Review Location mode for GPS related settings.
F + [1] to [9] and [0] Keys
Use this co mb in ation, in Sca n mode , to turn on or o ff any assig n ed Gr ou p
Quick Ke y (GQK).
Us e this combi nation in Scan Hold m ode and press [1] to tog gle Pr io rity mode
— Off, On, Plus On.
Use t his combinatio n, while in WX Scan or WX Sc an Hold, press [2] to toggle
betw een WX Scan and WX Alert Scan.
Use this combination, while in any other mode but Scan and GPS. Pr ess [2] to
toggl e WX Al er t p ri o rity on or off. Pr ess a nd ho ld [2] to switch to WX Sca n