
Where To Get More Information
By itself, this manual only provides part of what you need to know to have fun
scanning — how to program and use the scanner. Other sources provide
additional inf ormation.
Information On The Internet
The Intern e t is the be st sou rce for curren t fr eq ue nci es and informa tion ab ou t
scanning. Many web si tes are dedicated to providi ng lists of frequencies for your
area. Many have built-i n database search engines to assist you.
Make a list of the agencies you w ant to listen to, then look up the frequencies and
systems use d by th ose age ncies. Here are a f ew use f ul sit es:
h ttp://www.scann e rmaster.com * — frequency resources and home of Police
You can als o call them at 1 800 SCAN NER ( hour s are from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00
p.m. Eastern Time Monday through Friday) .
http://w ww.r adioreference.com * — the Internet’s prem ier source for
user-sup po rted ra dio system information .
h ttp://www.bea rcat1.com — freque ncy in for matio n fro m Nation a l
Co mmu nications.
http://svartifoss2.fcc.gov/reports/index.cfm * — conventional frequency
informa tion on file with the US Govern ment
h ttp://gro up s.yah oo.com /gro up /BCT15 * — a group for people interested in
discussing the BCT 15.
* - Thes e we b sites are not aff iliated with Uniden Corporation.
For more i nformati on about U ni den and our products, vi si t http://www. uniden.com.