
Using the Menu
Editing A Frequency
To enter a frequency, use the numer ic keys and [.No] for the d ecimal point. M ove
to the next place only by turning the Scroll Control. When all the character s are
entered, press F to finali ze the en try.
Refer to the table that lists the Band Coverage for the scanner. The frequency
entered m ust be divi sible by th e value listed in th e Step colu mn for that ran g e.
If not, the stored frequency is rounded to either a 5 k Hz or a 6.25 kHz ste p.
If you enter a frequency for a conventional channel and that frequency is
a lr e ady stor ed , the di splay sho ws Frequency Exists Accept? (Y/N)
You can confir m acceptance or press [.No] to cancel.
First and Second Menu Levels
The following illu stratio n sh ows the Base leve l me nu it ems and, for each o f those,
the next level of options. There are additional level s for many of the second level
options but sp ace proh ib its the complete layout. This diag ra m will assist you to
e ithe r pla n a me nu se s si on or to r etur n to an o ption you m i gh t want to e di t at a later
ti m e. D etai ls of each and the steps i nvol ved i n using each are docum ented in thi s