Program operating mode
Page 4 - Pitch LFO1
EG AMS (EG Alternate Modulation Source)
This parameter selects the source that will modulate the pitch
EG of the selected oscillator. See “AMS (Alternate Modula-
tion Source) list” on page 123).
Intensity (AMS Intensity)
This parameter specifies the depth and direction of the effect
that “AMS” will have. For example, if you set “AMS” to Veloc-
ity and set this value to +12.00, the velocity will control the
range of pitch change produced by the pitch EG in a range of
±1 octave. As you play more softly, the pitch change will draw
closer to the pitch EG levels.
Note: “Intensity” (Pitch EG) and AMS will be added to deter-
mine the depth and direction of the pitch modulation applied by
the pitch EG.
This parameter turns the portamento effect (smooth change
in pitch from one note to the next) on/off, and specifies how
it will be applied.
Note: Portamento will also be switched when CC#65 (Porta-
mento SW) is received.
On Portamento will be applied.
Off Portamento will not be applied.
Portamento Time
This parameter sets the portamento time. Increasing the
value will produce a slower change in pitch.
000…127 Portamento time in MIDI value.
In this page you can set the LFO1 modulation parameters for
the selected oscillator.
Use this parameter to select an oscillator to put in edit. Alter-
natively, you can select oscillators using the F1-F4 buttons.
This parameter specifies the depth and direction of the pitch
modulation applied by the LFO1 settings you made on “Page
17 - LFO1”. With a setting of 12.00, a maximum of ±1 octave
of pitch modulation will be applied. Negative (–) values will
invert the LFO waveform.
Intensity depth and direction.
JS+Y (JoyStick +Y)
This parameter specifies the depth and direction of the effect
that joystick movement in the +Y direction (away from your-
self) will have on the pitch modulation applied by the LFO1.
As this value is increased, moving the joystick in the +Y
direction will cause the LFO1 to produce deeper pitch modu-
lation. With a setting of 12.00 a maximum of ±1 octave of
pitch modulation will be applied. Negative (–) values will
invert the LFO waveform.
Joystick action depth.
Pitch LFO1 ‘Level’ modulation
AMS (Alternate Modulation Source)
This parameter selects the source that will control the depth
of pitch modulation produced by the LFO1. See “AMS (Alter-
nate Modulation Source) list” on page 123.
This parameter specifies the depth and direction of the effect
that “AMS” will have. With a setting of 0, modulation will not
be applied. With a setting of 12.00, the LFO1 will apply a
maximum of ±1 octave of pitch modulation. Negative (–)
settings will invert the LFO waveform.
For example if “AMS” is set to Joystick +Y and push the joy-
stick, a positive (+) setting of this parameter will cause the
pitch modulation created by LFO1 to be applied with the
normal phase, and a negative (–) setting will cause the LFO
to be applied with inverted phase.
The “LFO1 Intensity”, “JS+Y” and “AMS” settings will be
added to determine the depth and direction of the pitch
modulation applied by LFO1.
Parameter value.
In this page you can set the LFO2 modulation parameters for
the selected oscillator. See “Page 4 - Pitch LFO1” for informa-
tion on the various parameters.
Here you can make settings for the pitch EG, which creates
time-variant changes in the pitch of the oscillators. The depth
of pitch change produced by these EG settings on the oscilla-
Pitch change (level)
Softly played
(Intensity (Pitch EG) setting)
Strongly played with a
negative (–) value
Strongly played with
a positive (+) value
Selected: Osc1
Intensity: 0.00
Joystick +Y: +0.07
AMS ChannelAT
Pitch LF01 |Osc1
Selected: Osc1
Intensity: 0.00
Joystick +Y: +0.07
AMS ChannelAT
Pitch LF02 |Osc1