The PCM96 processor can be divided in up to four virtual machines, each
of which can run its own algorithm. This lets you route signals from each
input through a variety of algorithm combinations.
The PCM96 can use up to two physical inputs and two physical outputs at a
time; configurations for the physical inputs and outputs are described below.
Note that the software plug-in lets the PCM96 use up to four inputs and
outputs via FireWire
; those configurations are only accessible in the soft-
ware plug-in, and are described on page 18.
SINGLe MoNo IN SteReo oUt
A mono signal is split into a stereo signal.
The left and right inputs are sent through a single virtual
The left signal travels through one virtual machine, and the
right signal travels through a separate second virtual machine.
cAScAde SteReo
The left and right signals are processed together in one virtual
machine, and the resulting signal is sent to a second virtual
machine, where they are again processed together.
cAScAde MoNo
The left signal is sent through two virtual machines in
sequence, while the right signal is sent through two additional
virtual machines in sequence. The left and right signals are
processed independent from each other.
cAScAde MoNo to SteReo
The left and right signals are processed independently in two
separate virtual machines, and their resulting signals are pro-
cessed together in a third virtual machine. The final result is
output as stereo.
coMbINed SteReo MoNo IN
This configuration features two stereo machines. Each
receives one of the input channels. The two stereo outputs are
combined and output as a single stereo pair.