MIDI Messages Recognized by the FC-200
In order to convey the great variety of expression possible with music, the MIDI standard contains
a large range of data ‘types’ (messages). MIDI messages can be divided into two main types:
messages that are handled on each channel (Channel messages); and messages that are handled
independently of channels (System messages).
These messages are used to convey the events of a performance. In most circumstances, they alone
are sufficient for providing the range of control needed. The specific results obtained by the various
MIDI message of this type are determined by the settings on the unit receiving them.
Program Change Messages
These messages are used for conveying information about changes to another sound. Sounds are
changed using Program Change Numbers, numbered from 1 through 128.
Control Change Messages
Control Change messages serve in enhancing the expressiveness of a performance. Every available
function can be identified by its own Control Number. The functions which are available for control
can vary widely depending on the MIDI device being used.
Note Messages
Note messages convey the notes played during a performance. There are several kinds of Note
Note Number: A number representing the position of a key on the keyboard.
Note On: Produced when a keyboard key has been pressed.
Note Off: Produced when a keyboard key has been released.
Velocity: Conveys the amount of strength used when keys are pressed. (Commonly called
* Note Numbers express the full range of possible keyboard keys, using the numbers 0 to 127.
Middle C (C4) is Note number 60.
System messages include Exclusive messages, messages used for synchronizing the performance
of multiple units, and other messages employed for diagnostic purposes. The RV-70 supports the
use of Exclusive messages.
Exclusive Messages
Exclusive messages handle information related to a unit’s own unique sounds, or other device-
specific information. Generally, such messages can only be exchanged between devices of the
same model by the same manufacturer.
Exclusive messages can be employed to save the settings for Parameter Programs into a sequencer,
or for transferring such data to another FC-200.