SRP-X500P RS-232C Interface Manual
2.1.10 MASTER VOLUME DOWN : 0x43 0x4C 0x56 0x2D (‘CLV-’)
This command is used to turn down the master volume.
When this command is transmitted, the volume level decreases continuously. When the MASTER VOLUME
STOP command (page 13) is transmitted, the volume level stops decreasing.
To read the control status of the MASTER VOLUME motor from the SRP-X500P, use the STATUS REQUEST
command (page 23).
To read the master volume level setting from the SRP-X500P, use the REMOTE FADER LEVEL PARAMETER
REQUEST command (page 11).
Packet format
0x43 0x4C 0x56 0x2D “parameter” 0x0D
♦ Parameter
The parameter consists of 1 byte of data.
Be sure to use 0x40(‘@’) for this parameter.
To turn down the master volume:
0x43 0x4C 0x56 0x2D 0x40 0x0D
(‘C L V - @ CR’)
2.1.11 MASTER VOLUME STOP : 0x43 0x4C 0x56 0x53 (‘CLVS’)
This command is used to stop the increase or decrease in the master volume caused by the MASTER VOLUME
To read the control status of the MASTER VOLUME motor from the SRP-X500P, use the STATUS REQUEST
command (page 23).
To read the master volume level setting from the SRP-X500P, use the REMOTE FADER LEVEL PARAMETER
REQUEST command (page 11).
Packet format
0x43 0x4C 0x56 0x53 “parameter” 0x0D
♦ Parameter
The parameter consists of 1 byte of data.
Be sure to use 0x40(‘@’) for this parameter.
To stop the increase or decrease in the master volume:
0x43 0x4C 0x56 0x53 0x40 0x0D
(‘C L V S @ CR’)
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