e Filter Envelope Modulation controls
nvert: When enabled, this setting reverses the incoming MIDI controller data values.
ttack, Decay, and Release depth: These sliders allow you to enable MIDI control of Filter
r each.
Velocity (Vel) Curve: This parameter allows you to
With this setting, you can lower or raise the dynamic range of
ote: Please see the Velocity Response Section for diagrams of each Velocity Curve type.
Key Tracking: Enabling Key Tracking scales the Filter Cutoff frequency based on key position
Break Point: Adjust this value to set the breakpoint for the filter Keyboard Tracking.
Range is
Cutoff Controller: This parameter allows you to assign a MIDI
controller to the Filter Cutoff Frequency for real-time continuous
control. This assignment overrides the Cutoff Frequency value,
which will be disabled once you assign a MIDI controller here.
Invert: When enabled, this setting reverses the incoming MIDI controller data values.
Resonance Controller: This parameter allows you to assign a MIDI controller to the Filter
Resonance for real-time continuous control. This assignment overrides the Filter Resonance
value, which will be disabled once you assign a MIDI controller here.
Controller: Th
allow external MIDI control of the Attack, Decay and
Release of a regions Filter envelope. Use the
Controller drop-down menu to choose the MID
controller from the list of standard MIDI controlle
Envelope parameters. Enabling these parameters allows the specified MIDI Modulation
Controller to affect one, two, or all three parameters at once and with varying intensity fo
select how filter parameters respond to the incoming
Note On velocity of each region. You can choose
between Linear, Non-Linear and Special curves.
Velocity (Vel) Dynamic Range:
the response of the Filter Velocity Curve.
relative to the assigned Breakpoint value. With this feature, you can have the filter go from dark
to bright as you play from one end of the keyboard to the other.
from 0-127 with a default value of 60 (Middle C).