Before Using Basics Section AppendixGetting Started Reference
01X Owner’s Manual
Parameter Lists
■ Effects Parameters
One input, two output hall, room, stage, and plate reverb simulations, all with gates.
*1. 0.02 ms–2.13 s (fs=44.1 kHz), 0.02 ms–1.96 s (fs=48 kHz), 0.01 ms–1.06 s (fs=88.2 kHz), 0.01 ms–981 ms (fs=96 kHz)
*2. 6 ms–46.0 s (fs=44.1 kHz), 5 ms–42.3 s (fs=48 kHz), 3 ms–23.0 s (fs=88.2 kHz), 3 ms–21.1 s (fs=96 kHz)
One input, two output early reflections.
One input, two output early reflections with gate, and early reflections with reverse gate.
Parameter Range Description
REV TIME 0.3–99.0 s Reverb time
INI. DLY 0.0–500.0 ms Initial delay before reverb begins
HI. RATIO 0.1–1.0 High-frequency reverb time ratio
LO. RATIO 0.1–2.4 Low-frequency reverb time ratio
DIFF. 0–10 Reverb diffusion (left–right reverb spread)
DENSITY 0–100% Reverb density
E/R DLY 0.0–100.0 ms Delay between early reflections and reverb
E/R BAL. 0–100% Balance of early reflections and reverb (0% = all reverb, 100% = all early reflections)
HPF THRU, 21.2 Hz–8.00 kHz High-pass filter cutoff frequency
LPF 50.0 Hz–16.0 kHz, THRU Low-pass filter cutoff frequency
GATE LVL OFF, –60 to 0 dB Level at which gate kicks in
ATTACK 0–120 ms Gate opening speed
HOLD *1 Gate open time
DECAY *2 Gate closing speed
Parameter Range Description
S-Hall, L-Hall, Random,
Revers, Plate, Spring
Type of early reflection simulation
ROOMSIZE 0.1–20.0 Reflection spacing
LIVENESS 0–10 Early reflections decay characteristics (0 = dead, 10 = live)
INI. DLY 0.0–500.0 ms Initial delay before reverb begins
DIFF. 0–10 Reflection diffusion (left–right reflection spread)
DENSITY 0–100% Reflection density
ER NUM. 1–19 Number of early reflections
FB.GAIN –99 to +99% Feedback gain
HI. RATIO 0.1–1.0 High-frequency feedback ratio
HPF THRU, 21.2 Hz–8.00 kHz High-pass filter cutoff frequency
LPF 50.0 Hz–16.0 kHz, THRU Low-pass filter cutoff frequency
Parameter Range Description
TYPE Type-A, Type-B Type of early reflection simulation
ROOMSIZE 0.1–20.0 Reflection spacing
LIVENESS 0–10 Early reflections decay characteristics (0 = dead, 10 = live)
INI. DLY 0.0–500.0 ms Initial delay before reverb begins
DIFF. 0–10 Reflection diffusion (left–right reflection spread)
DENSITY 0–100% Reflection density
ER NUM. 1–19 Number of early reflections
FB.GAIN –99 to +99% Feedback gain
HI. RATIO 0.1–1.0 High-frequency feedback ratio
HPF THRU, 21.2 Hz–8.00 kHz High-pass filter cutoff frequency
LPF 50.0 Hz–16.0 kHz, THRU Low-pass filter cutoff frequency