change unit-id Syntax
change unit-id to < 1-8 >{ < 1-8 > | auto-numbering }
System View
< 1-8 >: Unit ID of the unit in a stack.
auto-numbering: Change the unit ID automatically.
Use the change unit-id command to change the unit ID of a Switch in the stack.
By default, the unit ID of a Switch is set to 1. A unit ID can be set to a value in the
range from 1 to the maximum number of devices supported in the stack.
■ If the modified unit ID does not exist in the stack, the system sets its priority to
5 and saves it in the unit Flash memory.
■ If the modified unit is an existing unit, the system will prompt you to confirm if
you do want to change the unit ID. If you choose to change, the existing unit
ID is replaced and the priority is set to 5. You can then use the
command to save the modified unit ID into the unit Flash
memory and clear the information about the existing unit ID.
■ If auto-numbering is selected, the system sets the unit ID priority to 10. You
can use the
fabric save-unit-id command to save the modified unit ID into
the unit Flash memory and clear the information about the existing unit ID.
To change the unit ID from6 to 4, enter the following:
<4500>display ftm topology-database
Total number of UNITs in fabric : 8, My CPU ID : 6
UID CPU-Mac Prio Fabric-port Chips Mid Pid A/M
1 00e0-fc00-5502 10 UP/DOWN 2 0/1 3 A
2 00e0-fc03-5502 10 UP/DOWN 2 2/3 3 A
3 00e0-fc04-5502 10 UP/DOWN 2 4/5 3 A
4 00e0-fc05-5502 10 UP/DOWN 2 6/7 3 A
5 00e0-fc06-5502 10 UP/DOWN 2 8/9 3 A
6 00e0-fc07-5502 10 UP/DOWN 2 10/11 3 A
7 00e0-fc04-6502 10 UP/DOWN 2 12/13 3 A
8 00e0-fc01-5502 10 UP/DOWN 2 14/15 5 A
[4500]change unit-id 6 to 4
The unit exists in fabric.
Continue? [Y/N] y
%Apr 2 00:48:34:574 2000 4500 FTM/3/DDPFLA:- 6 -Change unitid
successful, un
it 4 saved UnitID(4) in flash!
<4500>display ftm topology-database
Total number of UNITs in fabric : 8, My CPU ID : 4
UID CPU-Mac Prio Fabric-port Chips Mid Pid A/M
1 00e0-fc00-5502 10 UP/DOWN 2 0/1 3 A