Log Commands 367
channel-name: Specify the channel name. The name can be channel6,
channel7, channel8, channel9, console, logbuffer, loghost, monitor,
snmpagent, trapbuffer.
Use the info-center monitor channel command to set the channel to output
the log information to the user terminal.
Use undo info-center monitor channel command to restore the channel to
output the log information to the user terminal to the default value.
By default, switches do not output log information to user terminal.
This command takes effect only after system logging is started.
For the related commands, see info-center enable, display info-center.
Configure channel 0 to output log information to user terminal.
System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.
[SW4500]info-center monitor channel 0
info-center snmp
info-center snmp channel { channel-number | channel-name }
undo info-center snmp channel
System view
channel-number: Channel number, ranging from 0 to 9, that is, the system has
ten channels. By default, channel 5 is used.
channel-name: Specify the channel name. The name can be channel6,
channel7, channel8, channel9, console, logbuffer, loghost, monitor,
snmpagent, trapbuffer.
Use the info-center snmp channel command to specify new channel for
transmitting the SNMP information.
Use undo info-center snmp channel command to restore the channel for
transmitting the SNMP information to default value.
Related commands: display snmp.
Configure channel 6 as the SNMP information channel.