Logging in Commands 33
Use the command service-type to configure which level of command a user can
access after login. Use the command
undo service-type to restore the default
level of command (level 1).
Commands are classified into four levels, as follows:
■ 0 - Visit level. Users at this level have access to network diagnosis tools (such
as ping and tracert), and the Telnet commands. A user at this level cannot save
the configuration file.
■ 1 - Monitoring level. Users at this level can perform system maintenance,
service fault diagnosis, and so on. A user at this level cannot save the
configuration file.
■ 2 - System level. Users at this level can perform service configuration
operations, including routing, and can enter commands that affect each
network layer. Configuration level commands are used to provide direct
network service to the user.
■ 3 - Management level. Users at this level can perform basic system
operations, and can use file system commands, FTP commands, TFTP
commands, XModem downloading commands, user management commands
and level setting commands.
To allow a user zbr to configure commands a level 0 after login, enter the
System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.
[4500]local-user zbr
[4500-luser-zbr]service-type telnet level 0
To activate these settings, quit the system and login with the username zbr. Now
only the commands at level 0 are listed on the terminal.
User view commands:
debugging Debugging functions
language-mode Specify the language environment
ping Ping function
quit Exit from current command view
super Privilege current user a specified priority level
telnet Establish one TELNET connection
tracert Trace route function
undo Negate a command or set its default
set authentication
set authentication password { cipher | simple } password
undo set authentication password
User interface view