server-timeout-value: Specify how long the duration of a timeout timer of an
Authentication Server is. The value ranges from 100 to 300 seconds and defaults
to 100 seconds.
supp-timeout: Specify the authentication timeout timer of a Supplicant. After
the Authenticator sends Request/Challenge request packet which requests the
MD5 encrypted text, the supp-timeout timer of the Authenticator begins to run. If
the Supplicant does not respond back successfully within the time range set by
this timer, the Authenticator will resend the above packet.
supp-timeout-value: Specify how long the duration of an authentication
timeout timer of a Supplicant is. The value ranges from 10 to 120 seconds and
defaults to 30 seconds.
tx-period: Specify the transmission timeout timer. After the Authenticator sends
the Request/Identity request packet which requests the user name or user name
and password together, timer of the Authenticator begins to run. If the Supplicant
does not respond back with authentication reply packet successfully, then the
Authenticator will resend the authentication request packet.
tx-period-value: Specify how long the duration of the transmission timeout
timer is. The value ranges from 10 to 120 seconds and defaults to 30 seconds.
Use the dot1x timer command to configure the 802.1x timers. Use the undo
dot1x timer
command to restore the default values.
802.1x has many timers that control the rational and orderly interacting of the
Supplicant, the Authenticator and the Authentication Server. This command can
set some of the timers (while other timers cannot be set) to adapt the interaction
process. Changing the timers could be necessary in some special cases, but
generally the user should keep the default values.
Related command: display dot1x.
To set the Authentication Server timeout timer to 150s, enter the following:
<4500> system-view
System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.
[4500]dot1x timer server-timeout 150
reset dot1x statistics Syntax
reset dot1x statistics [ interface interface-list ]
User View
interface interface-list: Ethernet port list including several Ethernet ports.
interface-list = { interface-num [ to interface-num ] } & < 1-10 >.
interface-num specifies a single Ethernet port in the format port-num = {