Network Connection Test Commands 353
Use the undo end-station polling ip-address command to delete the IP
address requiring periodic testing.
The switch can ping an IP address every one minute to test if it is reachable. Three
PING packets can be sent at most for every IP address in every testing with a time
interval of five seconds. If the switch cannot ping successfully the IP address after
the three PING packets, it assumes that the IP address is unreachable.
You can configure up to 50 IP addresses by using the command repeatedly.
Related command: ping, tracert.
Configure requiring periodical testing.
System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.
[SW4500]end-station polling ip-address
ping Syntax
ping [ -a ip-address ] [-c count ] [ -d ] [-h tll ][ -i
{interface-type interface-num | interface-name } ][ ip ] [ -n ] [ - p
pattern ] [ -q ] [ -r ] [ -s packetsize ] [ -t timeout ] [-tos tos ]
[ -v ] string
User view
-a ip-address: Specify the source IP address to transmit ICMP ECHO-REQUEST.
-c: count specify how many times the ICMP ECHO-REQUEST packet will be
transmitted, ranging from 1 to 4294967295.
-d: Configure the socket to be in DEBUGGING mode.
-h ttl: Configure TTL value for echo requests to be sent, range from 1 to 255
-i: Configure to choose packet sent on the interface.
interface-type: Specify the interface type.
interface-num: Specify the interface number.
interface-name: Specify the interface name.
ip: Choose IP ICMP packet.
-n: Configure to take the host parameter as IP address without domain name
-p: pattern is the hexadecimal padding of ICMP ECHO-REQUEST, e.g. -p ff pads
the packet completely with ff.