
Network Connection Test Commands 357
Destination ip address:
Send operation times: 10 Receive response times: 10
Min/Max/Average Round Trip Time: 1/2/1
Square-Sum of Round Trip Time: 13
Last complete test time: 2004-11-25 16:28:55.0
Extend result:
SD Maximal delay: 0 DS Maximal delay: 0
Packet lost in test: 0%
Disconnect operation number:0 Operation timeout number:0
System busy operation number:0 Connection fail number:0
Operation sequence errors:0 Drop operation number:0
Other operation errors:0
Display the test history of the test group administrator icmp.<S5500> display
remote-ping history administrator icmp
Remote-ping entry(admin administrator, tag icmp) history record:
Index Response Status LastRC Time
1 1 1 0 2004-11-25 16:28:55.0
2 1 1 0 2004-11-25 16:28:55.0
3 1 1 0 2004-11-25 16:28:55.0
4 1 1 0 2004-11-25 16:28:55.0
5 1 1 0 2004-11-25 16:28:55.0
6 2 1 0 2004-11-25 16:28:55.0
7 1 1 0 2004-11-25 16:28:55.0
8 1 1 0 2004-11-25 16:28:55.0
Table 34 Description on the fields of the display remote-ping results command
Field Description
Destination ip address Destination IP address
Send operation times Packet sending times
Receive response times Successful packet sending times
Min/Max/Average Round
Trip Time
Min/max/average round trip time (RTT)
Square-Sum of Round Trip
Quadratic sum of RTTs
Last complete test time Time of the last successful send operation in the test
SD Maximal delay Max delay from the source to the destination
DS Maximal delay Max delay from the destination to the source
Packet lost in test Rate of the lost packets in the test
Disconnect operation
Number of the disconnect operations forcibly performed by the
opposite party
Operation timeout number Number of the send operations getting no response within the
timeout time in the test
System busy operation
Number of the failed send operations due to system busy in the
Connection fail number Number of the failed attempts to establish a connection with the
opposite party.
Operation sequence errors Number of the out-of-sequence packets received
Drop operation number Number of the failed system resource assignment operations
Other operation errors Number of other errors