
AAA and RADIUS Configuration Commands 267
If the local or none scheme applies, no RADIUS scheme can be adopted.
If you want to specify the ISP domain to adopt RADIUS scheme, then the
RADIUS scheme must have already been configured.
You can use either scheme or radius-scheme command to specify the RADIUS
scheme for an ISP domain. If both of these two commands are used, the latest
configuration will take effect.
Related command: radius scheme, display radius
To specify the current ISP domain, 3Com163.net, to use the RADIUS scheme
3Com, enter the following:
System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.
[4500]domain marlboro.net
[4500-isp-marlboro.net]scheme radius-scheme 3Com
self-service-url Syntax
self-service-url enable url-string
self-service-url disable
ISP Domain View
url-string: The URL address of the page used to change the user password on
the self-service server, a string with 1 to 64 characters. This string cannot contain
"?" character. If "?" is contained in the URL address, you must replace it with "|"
when inputting the URL address in the command line.
Use the self-service-url enable command to configure self-service server
Use the self-service-url disable command to remove the configuration.
By default, self-service server URL is not configured on the Switch.
This command must be incorporated with a RADIUS server (such as a CAMS
server) that supports self-service. Self-service means that users can manage their
accounts and card numbers by themselves. And a server with the self-service
software is called a self-service server.
Once this function is enabled on the Switch, users can locate the self-service server
and perform self-management through the following operations:
Select "Change user password" on the 802.1x client.
After the client opens the default explorer (IE or NetScape), locate the specified
URL page used to change the user password on the self-service server.
Change user password on this page.