CBR ATM Statistics
ATM cell statistics are cell counts since the last counter reset. On the ATM Statistics
window, you can reset the counter by entering c. ATM statistics are displayed as a
list rather than a table. The CBR T1-DSX and CBR E1 ATM Statistics screens display
the following statistics:
CBR virtual circuits must be present in the database in order to view these
Total Cells Received—Total number of cells received over the virtual circuit.
Total Cells Transmitted—Total number of cells transmitted over the virtual
Total Cell Pointer Errors—Number of cells dropped due to structure pointer
Total Cells Lost—The difference between the number of cells transmitted and the
number of cells received.
Total Number of Buffer Underflows—Number of buffer underflows over the
virtual circuit.
Total Number of Buffer Overflows—Number of buffer overflows over the
virtual circuit.
Total out of Sequence Errors—Number of cells received with out-of-sequence
number mismatch.
Total CRC Errors—Number of cells received with uncorrectable sequence number
CRC error.
Total OAM Cells Received—Number of OAM (Operations, Administration, and
Maintenance) cells received over the virtual circuit. These cells carry OAM
information used for network management.
Total OAM Cells Transmitted—Number of Operations Administration and
Maintenance (OAM) cells transmitted over the virtual circuit.
Current Cell Status—Cell loss period count (for CBR use only).
Data Bytes To (structured data ports only)—The data bytes to the cell bus. Use
this value to set the DBA Bits Mask CBR port parameter. In most cases, the default
DBA Bits Mask (127) is appropriate. If you are experiencing problems with a CCS
circuit, however, you can set the DBA Bits Mask to monitor different bits. Check
the Data Bytes To value, and set the DBA Bits Mask to that value.
When you check the data bytes, you must first make sure that the circuit is in an
idle state (phone onhook). If you cannot access the equipment to see whether or
not the circuit is in idle, then check the data bytes for at least 30 seconds (about
seven updates). If the Data Bytes To value remains the same for 30 seconds or
more, it is safe to assume that the circuit is in an idle state.