
Color and tonal correction
Last updated 7/26/2011
Dragging the highlight slider to the left lightens the photo.
Option-drag the Shadow slider to see which areas will be clipped to black (level 0). Option-drag the Highlight slider
to see which areas will be clipped to white (level 255). Colored areas show clipping in individual channels.
4 To adjust the brightness of the middle tones without affecting the shadow and highlight values, drag the gray Input
Levels (middle) slider. You can also enter values directly in the middle Input Levels text box. (A value of 1.0
represents the current unadjusted midtone value.) Click OK.
You can see the adjustment reflected in the Histogram panel.
Note: You can click Auto to move the Highlight and Shadow sliders automatically to the brightest and darkest points in
each channel. This is the same as using the Auto Levels command and may cause a color shift in your image.
More Help topics
Setting target values for print” on page 129
Adjust saturation and hue” on page 119
Automatically correct lighting and color” on page 105
Adjust brightness and contrast in selected areas
The Brightness/Contrast command is best used on selected portions of an image. Use this command to adjust the
brightness of an entire image or to reduce contrast results in an image that doesn’t use the entire available tonal range.
The Levels and Shadow/Highlight commands are better choices for making tonal adjustments.
1 Do one of the following:
Choose Enhance > Adjust Lighting > Brightness/Contrast to make adjustments directly to image pixels.