Filters, effects, styles, and artwork
Last updated 7/26/2011
3 Specify options, as desired, and click OK.
Preview area Displays a preview of the lighting effect so you can adjust each light (see “Adjust a light” on page 196).
You can also create a new light by dragging the light icon into the preview area (you can create up to 16 lights). To
delete a light, select the light in the preview window and drag the light (by its center circle) to the Trash.
To copy an existing light, select a light in the preview window, press Option, and drag to a new location in the window.
Save Lets you name and save the style. Saved styles include all of the settings for each light and appear in the Style
menu whenever you open an image in Photoshop
Delete Removes the selected style. You can’t delete default styles.
Style menu Lets you choose from the following default light styles, plus any custom styles you have saved:
Note: If you choose a style that has multiple lights, you must set options for each light individually.
• 2 O’ Clock Spotlight Adds one yellow spotlight with medium intensity and wide focus.
• Blue Omni Adds a blue overhead omni light with full intensity and no focus.
• Circle Of Light Adds four spotlights. White has full intensity and a concentrated focus. Yellow has strong intensity
and a concentrated focus. Red has medium intensity and a concentrated focus. Blue has full intensity and medium
• Crossing Adds one white spotlight with medium intensity and a wide focus.
• Crossing Down Adds two white spotlights with medium intensity and a wide focus.
• Default Adds a white spotlight with a medium intensity and a wide focus.
• Five Lights Down/Five Lights Up Add five white spotlights down or up with full intensity and wide focus.
• Flashlight Adds an omni yellow light with medium intensity.
• Flood Light Produces a medium intensity and wide focus white spotlight.
• Parallel Directional Is a blue light with full intensity and no focus, or a white directional light with medium
intensity and no focus.
• RGB Lights Are red, green, and blue lights producing a light of medium intensity and wide focus.
• Soft Direct Lights Adds two unfocused white (soft intensity) and blue (medium intensity) directional lights.
• Soft Omni Is a soft omni light of medium intensity.
• Soft Spotlight Is a white spotlight with full intensity and wide (100) focus.
• Three Down Adds three white spotlights with medium intensity and wide focus.
• Triple Spotlight Adds three spotlights with medium intensity and wide focus.
Light Type Contains these options for each light in the selected style:
• On Turns the selected light on or off in the preview window. This is useful if your lighting effects style uses multiple
lights and you want to look at a particular light.
• Intensity Specifies the light’s brightness.
• Focus Specifies the width of the beam of light.
• Color box Displays the Color Picker so you can change the color of the light. Click this white box to use it.