Working with files
Last updated 7/26/2011
More Help topics
“Change the size of the canvas” on page 134
“Change print dimensions and resolution without resampling” on page 138
Change the grid settings
1 In Full Edit or Quick Fix, choose Photoshop Elements > Preferences > Guides And Grid.
2 For Color, choose a preset color, or click the color swatch to choose a custom color.
3 For Style, choose the line style for the grid. Choose Lines for solid lines, and choose Dashed Lines, or Dots for
broken lines.
4 For Gridline Every, enter a number value, and then choose the unit of measurement to define the spacing of major
grid lines.
5 For Subdivisions, enter a number value to define the frequency of minor grid lines.
Change the guide settings
1 In Full Edit or Quick Fix, choose Photoshop Elements > Preferences > Guides And Grid.
2 For Color, choose a preset color, or click the color swatch to choose a custom color.
3 For Style, choose the line style for the grid. Choose Lines for solid lines, and Dashed Lines or Dots for broken lines.
Saving and exporting images
About saving images and file formats
After you edit an image, you need to save it, or you’ll lose your work. To ensure that all the image data is preserved,
save regular images in Photoshop (PSD) format. Multiple-page creations are always saved in Photo Project (PSE)
format. These formats don’t compress your image data.
Your digital camera may save photos in JPEG format, but it’s better to use the PSD format rather than resave a photo
in JPEG format unless you are ready to share it or use it on a web page. Each time you save in JPEG format, the image
data is compressed, potentially causing some data to be lost. You may start to notice reduced image quality after saving
the file as a JPEG 2-3 times. The disadvantage of saving in PSD format is that the file size will increase significantly
because the file is not compressed.
Photoshop Elements can save images in several file formats, depending on how you plan to use it. If you are working
with web images, the Save For Web command provides many options for optimizing images. If you need to convert
several images to the same file format, or the same size and resolution, use the Process Multiple Files command.
More Help topics
“Using the Save For Web dialog box” on page 261
“Process multiple files” on page 32