Last updated 7/26/2011
color cast An unwanted or unexpected color shift in a photo. For example, a photo taken indoors without a camera
flash may have too much yellow.
color channels The component colors from which all colors in an image are created. Usually refers to red, green, and
blue (RGB).
color depth Measures how much color information is available to display or print each pixel in an image. Greater color
depth means more available colors and more accurate color representation in the digital image.
color gamut The range of colors that a device can reproduce in any given color space.
color lookup table (CLUT) A system used to index or reference colors when the bit depth is insufficient to represent all
color management A system used to achieve consistent color as an image travels from one device to another (for
example, from camera to computer, and computer to printer).
color mode Determines how the components of a color are combined, based on the number of color channels in the
color model. Color modes include grayscale (1 channel), RGB (3 channels), and CMYK (4 channels), among others.
Photoshop Elements supports bitmap, grayscale, indexed, and RGB color modes.
color model Any system for specifying the components of color. The main color models are RGB, CMYK, and HSB.
color separation The conversion of RGB color data into CMYK data for printing.
color space A color mode designed for a particular device or purpose. For instance, Adobe RGB is the color space used
by Adobe applications, and sRGB is the color space used by most monitors. Color spaces are important in color
management, where the color profile of an image is reconciled with the color space of the application or device on
which it is viewed. The color space used by Adobe applications is sometimes called the working space.
color table See “color lookup table (CLUT)” on page 293.
color temperature (1) The position of a color along a continuum from warm (red) to cool (blue). (2) The degree of
heat (in degrees Kelvin) that an object would have to absorb before it glowed in a certain color. Each color is associated
with a color temperature, as are various kinds of light.
color value A mathematical description of the color of a pixel determined from its color components.
color wheel A representation of the colors in the visible spectrum arranged in a circle so that complementary colors
are directly opposite each other.
ColorSync Color management software provided by Apple.
command Refers to any menu item you choose to perform a desired operation.
complementary colors Two colors of light that, when combined, create white light, or two colors of ink that, when
combined, create black. Complementary colors are opposing colors on a color wheel.
composite Multiple photos combined into a single image.
compression A technique that reduces the file size of bitmap images.
content layers Any layer in Photoshop Elements that contains an image, text, or object.
contrast The difference in brightness between light and dark areas of an image. Contrast determines the number of
shades in the image.
cool colors The colors at the blue end of the spectrum.
CoolType A font technology from Adobe that improves on-screen text resolution.
Cos object An internal part of an Adobe PDF file.