Last updated 7/26/2011
Chapter 18: Glossary
The glossary is your guide to unfamiliar terms in Photoshop Elements and digital imaging terms. If you don’t find a
term here, search for it in Help to find a feature-specific definition.
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Digital imaging terms
acquisition module interface A plug-in that allows you to import photos from a digital camera or scanner.
active layer The layer currently selected in the Layers panel.
additive primaries Red, green, and blue. The human eye perceives all other colors as combinations of these three. To
create colors besides the additive primaries, computer monitors combine these three colors of light. For instance, to
create yellow, a monitor emits a combination of red and green light. When combined with each other at maximum
intensity, the additive primaries create white. (See also
“subtractive primaries” on page 302.)
adjustment layer A layer that lets you apply color and tonal adjustments to your image without permanently changing
pixel values. Use adjustment layers to experiment with color and color tones. You can think of an adjustment layer as
a veil through which the underlying layers are seen. (See also
“layer” on page 297.)
ADM Adobe Dialog Manager. A file required for many plug-ins in Photoshop Elements.
Adobe Bridge Companion product for managing photos.
Adobe Color Engine Manages colors you view on-screen and in print. It is used to map the gamut of one color space
to the gamut of another.
Adobe Color Picker A built-in utility for specifying a foreground or background color in an Adobe application.
Adobe Photo Downloader A feature of Photoshop Elements that automatically searches for and downloads photos
from attached card readers, cameras, or mobile phones. You can disable the automatic detection through General
Preferences in Adobe Bridge.
Adobe RGB The RGB color space profile created by Adobe Systems, Incorporated. It provides a large gamut of colors.
(See also
“RGB” on page 300.)
AGMLib An Adobe Graphics Manager library file, which Photoshop Elements installs with and requires.
airbrush An brush option that lets you apply gradual tones to an image, simulating traditional airbrush techniques.
Paint builds up as you apply more pressure. Using this option simulates the effect of spray-painting an image.
aliasing The jagged edges seen at the edges of diagonal lines, arcs, and so on, caused by pixels lining up in a saw-tooth