
Working with files
Last updated 7/26/2011
3 Move the pointer into the image, or drag within the image to use the tool. The following information may appear,
depending on which tool you’re using:
The numeric values for the color beneath the pointer.
The x- and y-coordinates of the pointer.
The width (W) and height (H) of a marquee or shape as you drag, or the width and height of an active selection.
The x- and y-coordinates of your starting position (when you click in the image).
The change in position along the x-coordinate, , and y-coordinate, , as you move a selection, layer, or
The angle (A) of a line or gradient; the change in angle as you move a selection, layer, or shape; or the angle of
rotation during a transformation. The change in distance (D) as you move a selection, layer, or shape.
The percentage of change in width (W) and height (H) as you scale a selection, layer, or shape.
The angle of horizontal skew (H) or vertical skew (V) as you skew a selection, layer, or shape.
More Help topics
About color” on page 164
About image modes” on page 166
Set color modes and units of measurement in the Info panel
Do one of the following:
To change the mode of color values displayed, click an eyedropper icon in the Info panel, and choose a color
mode from the pop-up menu. You can also choose Panel Options from the More menu in the Info panel, then
choose a color mode for First Color Readout and/or Second Color Readout:
Grayscale Displays the grayscale values beneath the pointer.
RGB Color Displays the RGB (red, green, blue) values beneath the pointer.
Web Color Displays the hexadecimal code for the RGB values beneath the pointer.
HSB Color Displays the HSB (hue, saturation, brightness) values beneath the pointer.
To change the unit of measurement displayed, click the cross hair in the Info panel, and choose a unit of
measurement from the pop-up menu. You can also choose Panel Options from the More menu in the Info panel.
Choose a unit of measurement from the Ruler Units menu, and click
Use keywords and metadata to identify files
Keyword tags are personalized keywords, such as “Dad” or “Florida,” that you attach to photos, PDFs, and photo
projects so that you can easily organize and find them. When you use keyword tags, there’s no need to manually
organize your photos in subject-specific folders or rename files with content-specific names. Instead, you simply attach
one or more keyword tags to each photo and then retrieve the photos you want by selecting one or more keyword tags.
To apply keywords, use Adobe Bridge.
Stacking files
Stacking files lets you put files together under a single thumbnail. To stack files, use the Stacks menu in Adobe Bridge.