Making projects
Last updated 7/26/2011
6 Type a name for the gallery folder in the Gallery Name box. This folder contains the web page and image files you
can share later. If you want to change the default storage location, select Save To Disk and click Browse. Select the
location where you want to save the Web Photo Gallery files.
Creating slide shows
About slide shows
Slide shows are a fun way to share photos. And because Photoshop Elements, saves your slides as PDFs, you can be
sure that anyone with the free Adobe® Reader will be able to see and enjoy your photos.
Adjust the display time of a slide
❖ In the Presentation Options section of the PDF Slide Show box, click the Presentation button in the Output settings
of the PDF Slide Show dialog box. Then, set the number of seconds in the Advance Every option. You can open the
PDF Slide Show dialog box when you first create a slide show (using the Create tab), or when you share it (using
the Share tab).
Stitching together panoramas
Creating Photomerge panoramas
The Photomerge Panorama command combines several photographs into one continuous image. For example, you
can take five overlapping photographs of a city skyline, and assemble them into a panorama. The Photomerge
Panorama command can tile photos horizontally as well as vertically.
When you set up a Photomerge panorama composition, you identify the files you want to merge (called your source
files), and then Photoshop
Elements automatically assembles them into a single panorama. After the panorama is
complete, you can still make changes to the placement of the individual photos, if necessary.
Creating a Photomerge panorama
Your source photographs play a large role in panoramic compositions. To avoid problems, follow these guidelines
when taking pictures for use with Photomerge Panorama:
Overlap images sufficiently Images should overlap approximately 15% to 40%. If the overlap is less, Photomerge
Panorama may not be able to automatically assemble the panorama. If images overlap by 50% or more, it can be
difficult to work with them, and blending may not be as effective.
Use a consistent focal length Avoid using the zoom feature of your camera while taking your pictures.