Press PRF / Period to select the display of Pulse
PRF or Pulse Period on the additional Internal
Pulse Status display. Selecting Pulse Period repre
sents the pulse period as time. Selecting Pulse PRF
(Pulse Repetition Frequency) represents the pulse
period as a frequency.
You can enter the pulse repetition rate as either
time or frequency with these two choices. The Inter
nal Pulse Status display will reflect your selection.
Press Low RF On / High RF On to select the polarity
of the signal (Low or High) that turns the RF on.
The Internal Pulse Status display will reflect your
Press Clock 100 / 10 (with Option 26) or
Clock 40 / 10 (with Option 24) to select the pulse
generator’s clock rate. The soft-key label is
highlighted (in reverse video) to reflect your
selection. The example below shows a clock rate
selection of 100 MHz (below left) and 40 MHz (below
Press < Previous to return to the Internal Pulse
Status menu.
3-112 MG369XB OM
Signal Modulation Local (Front Panel) Operation