the MG369XB
The MG369XB firmware includes internal diagnos
tics that self-test the instrument. These self-test di
agnostics perform a brief go/no-go test of most of the
PCBs and other internal assemblies. If the signal
generator fails self-test, an error message is dis
played on the data display. Error messages and de
scriptions are listed in Chapter 6—Operator
You can perform a self-test of the signal generator at
any time during normal operation. To perform a
self-test from any menu, press System . Then, when
the System menu (shown below) is displayed, press
Selftest .
Resetting to
You can reset the MG369XB to the factory-selected
default parameter values at any time during normal
operation. Table 3-1, page 3-16, lists the default pa
rameters for all MG369XB models.
Resetting the instrument clears the current
setup parameters. If these parameter values
are needed for future testing, save them as a
stored setup before resetting the signal genera
tor. (For information on saving/recalling instru
ment setups, refer to page 3-85.)
To reset the signal generator, press System . When
the System menu (above) is displayed, press Reset .
MG369XB OM 3-15
Local (Front Panel) Operation Instrument Start-Up
During self- test with RF OUTPUT set to ON, the output
power level is set to 0 dBm. Always disconnect sensitive
equipment from the unit before performing self-test.