2-5 GPIB Setup and
The MG369XB provides automated microwave signal generation via
the GPIB. The following paragraphs provide information about inter
face connections, cable requirements, setting the GPIB operating pa
rameters, and selecting the external interface language.
Interface between the signal generator and other de
vices on the GPIB is via a 24-wire interface cable.
This cable uses connector shells having two connec
tor faces. These double-faced connectors allow for
the parallel connection of two or more cables to a
single device.
Cable Length
The GPIB can accommodate up to 15 instruments at
any one time. To achieve design performance on the
bus, proper timing and voltage level relationships
must be maintained. If either the cable length be
tween separate instruments or the cumulative cable
length between all instruments is too long, the data
and control lines cannot be driven properly and the
system may fail to perform. Cable length restric-
tions are as follows:
q No more than 15 instruments may be installed
on the bus
Total cumulative cable length (in meters) may
not exceed two times the number of bus instru-
ments or 20 meters—whichever is less
For low EMI applications, the GPIB cable
should be a fully shielded type with well-
grounded metal-shell connectors.
The only interconnection required for GPIB opera
tion is between the signal generator and the control
ler. This interconnection is via a standard GPIB
cable. The Anritsu part number for such a cable is
2100-1, -2, or -4 (1, 2, or 4 meters in length).
GPIB Setup and Interconnection Installation
2-10 MG369XB OM