Main Menu Keys
Each of the main menu keys, shown to the left, se
lects a main (top-level) menu display. These menus
let you select the operating mode and configuration
of the instrument. Main menu keys are identified
throughout this manual by using reverse text, for
example: Frequency . A brief functional description
of each main menu follows.
Frequency—This menu lets you select be
tween CW, Analog Sweep, Step Sweep, Manual
Sweep, and List Sweep frequency modes
Level—This menu lets you select power level
and ALC modes (Level, Level Sweep, Level Off
set, ALC on or off, internal or external ALC,
ALC/attenuator decoupling, ALC slope, and
user level flatness correction)
Modulation—This menu lets you select mod-
ulation modes (AM, FM, FM, and Pulse) when
the option is installed
System—This menu provides you with access
to sub-menus that let you:
Reset the instrument to factory-selected
default values
Configure the front panel, rear panel, RF,
and GPIB
Set incremental sizes for editing frequency,
power level, and time parameters
Save or recall instrument setups
Disable front panel data display
Perform instrument self-test
Perform reference oscillator calibration
Menu Soft-Keys
As shown to the left, six menu soft-keys are located
below the data display and six menu soft-keys are
located to the right of the data display. In general,
the menu soft-keys located below the data display
select a sub-menu of the current main (top-level)
menu display; the menu soft-keys located to the
right of the data display either control a function on
the current menu display or select an additional
sub-menu. Menu labels that identify the current
function of each soft-key are shown on the menu dis
play adjacent to the soft-keys. Menu soft-keys are
identified throughout this manual by using a gray
background, for example: Edit F1 .
MG369XB OM 3-11
Local (Front Panel) Operation Data Display Area
F r e q u e n c y
L e v e l
M o d u l a t i o n
S y s t e m