5-3 Test Records Tables 5-2 and 5-3 contain test record forms that can be photocopied
and used to record the results of operational verification testing of
your MG369XB. These tables are included as part of the operational
verification test procedures and contain test information for all
MG369XB models.
5-4 Initial MG369XB
Before starting the operation verification tests in this chapter, perform
an initial checkout of the MG369XB to be tested. This initial checkout
consists of applying power to the signal generator, verifying that it
passes self-test, and resetting it to the factory default parameters.
Power Up Connect the MG369XB to the power source and turn
on the rear panel power switch. This automatically
places the signal generator in operation (front panel
During power up, the signal generator loads its op
erating program then returns to the exact setup it
was in when last turned off.
Self-Test Next, perform a self-test of the MG369XB to insure
proper operation of the instrument PCBs and other
internal assemblies.
To self-test the signal generator, press System .
Then, press the System Menu soft-key Selftest .
When the self-test is complete, the instrument dis-
plays the main CW menu.
Error conditions detected during self-test are
displayedas error messageson the datadisplay.
They should be corrected before continuing.
Refer to Chapter 6 for a listing of error mes
sages and descriptions.
Resetting the
The signal generator should be reset to the fac
tory-selected default parameters before commencing
operation verification testing.
To reset the MG369XB, first press System , then
press Reset . The signal generator resets to the CW
frequency mode and displays the CW Menu.
Warmup Time When the signal generator is turned on, allow one
hour of warmup time before performing operational
verification testing. This will assure stable operation
of the instrument.
5-4 MG369XB OM
Initial MG369XB Checkout Operation Verification