Tagging a Marker List Frequency
Only frequencies on the marker list that have been
tagged can be output as markers during a sweep.
Press Tag to tag a selected frequency parameter
(place an m in front of it). If a frequency parameter
is already tagged, pressing Tag will un-tag the fre
quency parameter (remove the m).
Activating Markers
Press Video Markers [VM1] to output the tagged
marker frequencies as video markers during a step
sweep. Video markers will be displayed on the CRT
for all tagged marker frequencies that are within
the sweep frequency range.
To turn the markers off, press Video Markers [MK0]
Press < Previous to return to the Sweep Frequency
Control menu display.
Sweep Mode
In alternate sweep frequency mode, the signal gen-
erator's output frequency sweeps alternately be-
tween any two sweep ranges in step sweep.
The following procedure applies for both step
sweep mode and analog sweep mode.
To select the alternate sweep mode from the Step
Sweep menu display, press More > to access the Ad
ditional Step Sweep menu display (below).
3-38 MG369XB OM
Sweep Frequency Operation Local (Front Panel) Operation