Power Level
Flatness Test
Power level flatness is checked by measuring the
power level variation during a full band sweep; first
in the step sweep mode, then in the analog sweep
Step 1. Set up the MG369XB as follows for a step
sweep power level flatness test:
a. Reset the instrument by pressing
System , then Reset . The CW menu
is displayed.
Press Step Sweep to place the unit in
the step sweep frequency mode and
display the Step Sweep menu (below).
c. With the Step Sweep menu displayed,
press the Frequency Control > soft-
key. The Sweep Frequency Control
menu, shown below, is displayed.
Press Full to select a full range fre
quency sweep.
Press Edit L1 to open the current
power level parameter for editing.
f. Set L1 to the power level noted on the
test record.
5-12 MG369XB OM
Level Accuracy and Flatness Tests Operation Verification