3-4 Data Entry Area The value of a selected MG369XB parameter can be changed using the
rotary data knob, cursor control keys, or keys of the data entry area.
Each element of the data entry area is identified in Figure 3-3 and de
scribed in the following paragraphs.
Cursor Control Keys
In general, this diamond-shaped key cluster controls
the movement of the cursor on the display. When a
parameter is opened for editing, a cursor appears
under the open parameter. Each time the < or > pad
is pressed, the cursor moves left or right by one
digit. The Ù or Ú pad can then be used to increase or
decrease the value of the parameter. The unit size of
the increase or decrease that occurs each time the Ù
or Ú pad is pressed is determined by the cursor posi
In addition, when editing frequency, power level,
and time parameters, the incremental size can be
set to a specific value using the system
configuration increment menu (page 3-84). Once set
and activated, each time the Ù or Ú pad is pressed,
the parameter's value increases or decreases by the
set amount.
3-12 MG369XB OM
Data Entry Area Local (Front Panel) Operation
C l e a r
E n t r y
B a c k
S p a c e
8 9
4 5 6
1 2 3
+ / -
C u r s o r
C o n t r o l
K e y s
C l e a r
E n t r y
K e y
B a c k
S p a c e
K e y
R o t a r y
D a t a
K n o b
K e y p a d
Figure 3-3. Front Panel Data Entry Area
The cursor does not appear with the increment
mode toggled ON. The increment menu is selected
via: System | Config | Increment > .