ICP-CC404 | Installation Guide | 4.0 System Operations
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 12/08 | F01U089401-02 23
2 – Date and Time
The date and time fault occurs every time power is
removed from the control panel. This type of fault
causes the FAULT indicator to flash only if the Auto
Arming Time is programmed in Locations 414 to 417
(refer to Section 17.12 Auto Arming Time on page 72). If
this timer is not programmed, a date and time fault is
indicated only when you enter Fault Analysis Mode.
This fault clears after you program the date and time.
Refer to Section 6.2.7 Setting the Date and Time on page
36 for more information.
3 – Sensor Watch
A sensor watch fault occurs when one of the detection
devices stops working or fails to detect movement
during the programmed time period when the system
is disarmed. The sensor watch fault clears after the
registered zone is unsealed and resealed.
To determine the zone that registered the sensor
watch fault:
1. In Fault Analysis Mode, press and hold [5].
The indicator for the faulted zone lights.
2. Release the button.
Program the Sensor Watch Time in Locations 408
and 409 (refer to Section 17.7 Sensor Watch Time on
page 71). To select the zones to be monitored for
sensor watch, refer to Section 14.3.4 Zone Options 1 on
page 57.
When reporting to the base station receiver, the
control panel sends a Self Test Fail Report (Contact
ID Event Code 307) to indicate the sensor watch
4 – Horn Speaker Monitor
A horn speaker monitor fault occurs when the horn
speaker is disconnected from the control panel. This
fault clears when the horn speaker is reconnected. To
enable monitoring of the horn speaker, select Option
2 in Location 424 (refer to Section 18.1 System Options 1
on page 73).
5 – Telephone Line Fault
A telephone line fault occurs when the telephone line
disconnects from the control panel for longer than 40
sec. This fault can only occur if Option 1 is selected
in Location 176 (refer to Section 11.11 Telephone Line
Fault Options on page 49). The fault clears when the
telephone line reconnects for longer than 40 sec.
6 – EEPROM Fail
An EEPROM Fail is registered when the control
panel detects an internal checksum error. You must
remove power to the control panel and reset the
control panel to default values to clear this fault.
7 –
AUX Power Supply Fail
This fault occurs when either the 1 A, 12 V
accessories AUX power supply or the 1 A codepad
AUX power supply fails. Ten sec after the AUX
power supply fails, the control panel automatically
sends a System Trouble code (Contact ID Event
Code 300) to the base station receiver. Ten sec after
the PTC is reset, the control panel sends a Trouble
Restore Report.
If both 1 A AUX power supplies fail, only
one system Trouble Report is sent to the
base station receiver. The Trouble
Restore Report is sent only after both
AUX power supplies are reset.
8 – Communication Failure
A communication failure fault is registered if calls to
the primary and secondary telephone numbers for
Receiver 1 or Receiver 2 are unsuccessful.
To determine which receiver failed to report:
1. In Fault Analysis Mode, press and hold [8].
Two beeps sound.
2. Release the button.
If Receiver 1 failed to report, the Zone 1
indicator lights. If Receiver 2 failed to report, the
Zone 2 indicator lights.
If the primary and secondary telephone numbers for
Receiver 1 or Receiver 2 are set up for base
reporting, Receiver 1 and Receiver 2 can each try up
to twelve calls, per event, to the base station receiver.
If the primary and secondary telephone numbers are
programmed for both Receiver 1 and Receiver 2, the
two receivers together can try up to 24 calls if the
event is programmed to report on both receivers.
The control panel tries to call the base station
receiver up to six times using both the primary and
secondary telephone numbers (three times if only the
primary telephone number is programmed). If the
control panel fails to communicate to the base station
receiver, a communications fault occurs. The control
panel waits 10 min before it tries to report to the base
station receiver up to six more times. The
communication fault resets after the next successful
If Receiver 1 or Receiver 2 is programmed
for domestic reporting, the control panel
does not show a fault if it fails to report
after calling six times.
If Option 1 in Location 145 is enabled
(refer to Section 12.1 Dialer Options 1
on page 50) and no telephone numbers
are programmed, no fault occurs.