ICP-CC404 | Installation Guide | 10.0 Dialer Reporting Formats
42 Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 12/08 | F01U089401-02
10.0 Dialer Reporting Formats
10.1 Transmission Formats
The ICP-CC404 Control Panel provides a number of
transmission formats for its dialing and
communication features. Program the transmission
format for Receiver 1 in Location 033 and the
transmission format for Receiver 2 in Location 073
(refer to Section 11.4 Transmission Format for Receiver 1
and Receiver 2 on page 47). The control panel is set at
the factory to report in the Contact ID Format.
10.1.1 Contact ID Format
Contact ID Format can identify hundreds of
protection zones by their unique codes. This format
provides a single-digit Event Qualifier and a three-
digit Event Code that quickly identifies the reported
In general, Contact ID Format is very simple because
most of the Event Codes and Point ID Codes are
predefined. The base station software usually can
identify an alarmed zone by its Point ID Code and
usually pays little attention to the Event Code.
Refer to Table 33 on page 43 for more information
about the ICP-CC404 Point ID Codes.
Table 32: Contact ID Format Breakdown
Subscriber ID
Event Code
Group Number
Point ID Number
Subscriber ID
Event Qualifier, which provides
specific event information:
1 – New event or opening
3 – New restore or closing
Event Code
(comprised of three
hex digits)
Group Number
(comprised of two
hex digits)
Point ID Number
(comprised of three
hex digits)