
ICP-CC404 | Installation Guide | 6.0 System Functions
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 12/08 | F01U089401-02 33
3. Press any of the [TRANSMIT] buttons on the
hand-held transmitter.
Two beeps sound and the STAY and AWAY
indicators turn off.
4. Repeat this procedure to change other remote
radio User Codes.
This function ends automatically if you do
not press a button within 60 sec or if you
press [AWAY].
One long beep indicates that the code
already exists or that you entered an
incorrect user number.
To delete a remote radio User Code:
1. Enter your Master Code and press [1][AWAY].
Three beeps sound and the STAY and AWAY
indicators flash.
2. Enter the number of the code (9 to 16) you want
to delete and press [AWAY].
Two beeps sound and the corresponding codepad
indicators light. Refer to Table 26.
3. Press [STAY] to delete the User Code.
Two beeps sound and the STAY and AWAY
indicators turn off.
4. Repeat this procedure to delete other remote
radio User Codes.
This function ends automatically if you do
not press a button within 60 sec or if you
press [AWAY].
One long beep indicates that the code
already exists or that you entered an
incorrect user number.
6.2.3 Changing Domestic Phone Numbers
When the system is set up for domestic dialing, this
function allows the installer to view and program the
telephone numbers that the system calls if an alarm
occurs. Refer to Section 9.0 Domestic Dialing on
page 40 for more information.
To change domestic phone numbers:
1. Enter your Master Code and press [2][AWAY].
Three beeps sound and the STAY and AWAY
indicators flash.
If there are telephone numbers programmed,
they appear one digit at a time using the remote
codepad indicators. Refer to Table 27 for the
indicators and their meanings.
If there are no telephone numbers programmed,
an additional two beeps sound after entering this
mode. These two beeps normally sound after you
enter the last digit of the last phone number.
Table 27: Codepad Indicators When Changing
Domestic Telephone Numbers
Zone Indicators MAINS
Digit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Indicator
0 X
1 X
2 X
3 X
4 X
5 X
6 X
7 X
8 X
9 X X
* X X
# X X
Pause X X
Break X X
2. Enter the first phone number.
The indicator for each digit lights as you enter it.
3. If you are programming another phone number,
press [STAY][4] to separate the end of one phone
number and the beginning of the next.
If you are not programming other numbers, go to
Step 5.
4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 to program another phone
5. Press [AWAY] to exit from this mode.
Table 28: Domestic Dialing Digits
Number to
Number to
0 0 7 7
1 1 8 8
2 2 9 9
3 3 * * 1
4 4 # * 2
5 5 4 sec pause * 3
6 6 break * 4
If you want to program two separate telephone
numbers (9672 1777 and 9672 1233), enter:
[2 5 8 0
2][AWAY][9 6 7 2 1 7 7 7][STAY]
[4 9 6 7 2 1 2 3 3][[AWAY]
To disable domestic dialing:
Enter your Master Code and press [2][AWAY]