Cisco IP Solution Center L2VPN and Carrier Ethernet User Guide, 6.0
Chapter 6 Managing a FlexUNI/EVC ATM-Ethernet Interworking Service Request
Setting the Service Request Details
10, 15,17
• If the Inner VLAN Ranges attribute is set to true in the policy, the Inner VLAN ID field can take a
range of inner VLAN tags.
Step 16 If the Match Inner and Outer Tags check box is unchecked, enter the outer VLAN tag in the Outer
VLAN ID field.
Note The VLAN specified in Outer VLAN ID will be provisioned on the rest of the L2 access nodes (if the
link has any), including the customer-facing UNI.
Step 17 In the VLAN Rewrite section of the window, choose a Rewrite Type from the drop-down list.
The choices are:
• Pop
• Push
• Translate
The subsequent attributes in the GUI change depending on the choice of Rewrite Type, as covered in the
next steps.
Step 18 If Pop is the Rewrite Type, two check boxes appear:
a. Check the Pop Outer Tag check box to pop the outer VLAN ID tag of the incoming frames that
fulfill the match criteria. If this check box is unchecked, the outer tag of the incoming traffic will
not be popped.
b. Check the Pop Inner Tag check box to pop the inner VLAN ID tag of the incoming frames that
fulfill the match-criteria. If this check box is unchecked, the inner tag will not be changed.
Note that if Pop Inner Tag is checked, Pop Outer Tag is automatically checked.
Step 19 If Push is the Rewrite Type, two text boxes appear:
a. In the text box Outer VLAN ID, enter an outer VLAN ID tag that will be imposed on the incoming
frames that fulfill the match criteria. All service requests created with this setting push a dot1q outer
tag on the incoming frames matching the match criteria. If a value is not provided, the push
operation is ignored and not configured on the device.
b. In the text box Inner VLAN ID, enter an inner VLAN ID tag that will be imposed on the incoming
frames that fulfill the match criteria. All service requests created with this setting push a dot1q inner
tag on the incoming frames matching the match criteria. The Inner VLAN tag cannot be pushed
without an Outer VLAN tag. That is, when pushing an Inner VLAN tag, the Outer VLAN tag also
must be defined.
Step 20 If Translate is the Rewrite Type, a Translation Type drop-down list appears.
The choices available in this list vary depending on the setting of the Match Inner and Outer Tags
attribute (set in a previous step).
a. If the Match Inner and Outer Tags check box is checked (true), choose a translation type of 1:1, 1:2,
2:1, or 2:2 from the Translation Type drop-down list.
If you choose 1:1 or 2:1, enter a value in the Outer VLAN ID text box that appears. The outer
tag of all the incoming frames that fulfill the match criteria will be translated to this ID.